Public Speaking Made Easy

Public Speaking Made Easy
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Alexander Burton
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Tue, sometimes a vice. The eloquent preacher who turns the hearts of his hearers from gross ness to holy aspirations demonstrates a virtu ous purpose in his mastery over the moods of men; the exhorter of the mob, who incites it to a raging blood-lust, is the manifest agent of evil: but the power of the two is the same. It is a power that exists irrespective of morality; that may be used for good or for ill. Moreover, the potency of oratory is not necessarily regu lated by its reasonableness. This may vary vastly according to the group-intelligence of the auditors.
Tue, sometimes a vice. The eloquent preacher who turns the hearts of his hearers from gross ness to holy aspirations demonstrates a virtu ous purpose in his mastery over the moods of men; the exhorter of the mob, who incites it to a raging blood-lust, is the manifest agent of evil: but the power of the two is the same. It is a power that exists irrespective of morality; that may be used for good or for ill. Moreover, the potency of oratory is not necessarily regu lated by its reasonableness. This may vary vastly according to the group-intelligence of the auditors.

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