The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles

The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles
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18,00 €*

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Katherine Pancol
349 g
195x128x32 mm
1, Joséphine Cortès Novel

Katherine Pancol, geb. 1954 in Casablanca geboren, lebt seit ihrem fünften Lebensjahr in Frankreich. Nach ihrem Literaturstudium arbeitete sie als Lehrerin, Journalistin und Autorin. Ihr beispielloser Aufstieg zum Phänomen Pancol begann 2006 mit dem Erscheinen von 'Die gelben Augen der Krokodile' und 2010 dominierte Pancol die Bestsellerlisten mit ihrer Trilogie schließlich ganz. Sie hat zwei erwachsene Kinder und lebt in Paris.
Le Divorce meets The Elegance of the Hedgehog in this hilariously entertaining mega-bestseller from France

When her chronically unemployed husband runs off to start a crocodile farm in Kenya with his mistress, Joséphine Cortès is left in an unhappy state of affairs. The mother of two confident, beautiful teenage Hortense and shy, babyish Zoé is forced to maintain a stable family life while making ends meet on her meager salary as a medieval history scholar. Meanwhile, Joséphine s charismatic sister Iris seems to have it all a wealthy husband, gorgeous looks, and a très chic Paris address but she dreams of bringing meaning back into her life.

When Iris charms a famous publisher into offering her a lucrative deal for a twelfth-century romance, she offers her sister a deal of her own: Joséphine will write the novel and pocket all the proceeds, but the book will be published under Iris s name. All is well that is, until the book becomes the literary sensation of the season.
An entertaining French mega-seller about a secret pact between two sisters that becomes unexpectedly (and hilariously) complicated.
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