The Gift

The Gift
Poems by Hafiz, the Great Sufi Master
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424 g
212x137x26 mm

Hafis (d. h. Bewahrer: der Ehrenname für diejenigen, die den Koran auswendig beherrschen), lebte von 1326 bis 1390 in Schiras. Er gilt als der größte Dichter Persiens. In seinen Liedern und Gedichten verherrlichte er nicht nur Allah und den Koran, er besang in den feurigsten Tönen die Schönheit der Natur, die Liebe zu Frauen und Knaben, zu Wein, Schenken, Gesang und Tanz. Goethe nennt ihn den "heiligen Hafis". Ein Heiliger, der das Leben in seiner ganzen Fülle und Sinnlichkeit liebte und genauso sinnlich in seinen Gedichten pries.
Chosen by author Elizabeth Gilbert as one of her ten favorite books, Daniel Ladinsky s extraordinary renderings of 250 unforgettable lyrical poems by Hafiz, one of the greatest Sufi poets of all time

More than any other Persian poet even Rumi Hafiz expanded the mystical, healing dimensions of poetry. Because his poems were often ecstatic love songs from God to his beloved world, many have called Hafiz the Invisible Tongue. Indeed, Daniel Ladinsky has said that his work with Hafiz is an attempt to do the impossible: to render Light into words to make the Luminous Resonance of God tangible to our finite senses.

I am
a hole in a flute
that the Christ's breath moves

listen to this

With this stunning collection of Hafiz s most intimate poems, Ladinsky has succeeded brilliantly in presenting the essence of one of Islam s greatest poetic and religious voices. Each line of The Gift imparts the wonderful qualities of this master Sufi poet and spiritual teacher: encouragement, an audacious love that touches lives, profound knowledge, generosity, and a sweet, playful genius unparalleled in world literature.
Introduction: The Life and Work of Hafiz

One: Startled by God
Startled by God
Let's Eat
When the Violin
Looking for Good Fish
A Hunting Party
This Sane Idea
We Have Not Come to Take Prisoners
I Can See Angels
You're It
I Rain

Two: I Have Learned So Much
I Have Learned So Much
God Just Came Near
The Sun Never Says
The Seed Cracked Open
Why Just Ask the Donkey
Who Wrote All the Music
Your Mother and My Mother
Mismatched Newlyweds
Your Seed Pouch
That Magnificent Storm

Three: Removing the Shoe from the Temple
Removing the Shoe from the Temple
Against My Own Hand
Out of This Mess
If God Invited You to a Party
To Build a Swing
A Crystal Rim
This One Is Mine
The Ear That Was Sold to a Fish
An Infant in Your Arms

Four: I Hold the Lion's Paw
I Hold the Lion's Paw
If the Falling of a Hoof
What the Hell
Someone Untied Your Camel
When I Want to Kiss God
For a Single Tear
That Shapes the Eye
So Many Gifts
Love Is the Funeral Pyre
Allah, Allah, Allah

Five: Don't Die Again
Don't Die Again
Like a Life-Giving Sun
The Great Work
Some Fill with Each Good Rain
The Vintage Man
Lifts beyond Conception
God's Bucket
Just Looking for Trouble

Six: The Gift
The Gift
Laughing at the Word Two
Life Starts Clapping
The Foundation for Greatness
Courteous to the Ant
His Winter Crop
The Scent of Light
No Conflict
Stop Calling Me a Pregnant Woman
A Strange Feather

Seven: I Am Really Just a Tambourine
I Am Really Just a Tambourine
The Stairway of Existence
What Do White Birds Say?
How Do I Listen?
The Earth Braces Itself
The Difference Between
The Angels Know You Well
Crooked Deals
The Millstone's Talents
Let Thought Become Your Beautiful Lover

Eight: Get the Blame Straight
Get the Blame Straight
Rewards for Clear Thinking
This Constant Yearning
The Sad Game
That Regal Coat
Stop Being So Religious
Friends Do Things Like This
It Felt Love
Look! I Am a Whale
Two Bears
The Sky Hunter
Forgive the Dream

Nine: The Prettiest Mule
The Prettiest Mule
Wise Men Keep Talking About
Back into Herself
The Mule Got Drunk and Lost in Heaven
Why Abstain?
The Warrior
Dividing God
I Saw Two Birds
Muhammad's Twin

Ten: Tiny Gods
Tiny Gods
This Union
When You Can Endure
This Talking Rag
Who Will Feed My Cat?
Burglars Hear Watchdogs
A Still Cup
That Lamp That Needs No Oil
Too Wonderful

Eleven: Elephant Wondering
Elephant Wondering
An Old Musician
The Fish and I Will Chat
The Heart Is Right
Out of God's Hat
The Clay Bowl's Destiny
I Hope You Won't Sue This Old Man
Faithful Lover
Now Is the Time

Twelve: Counting Moles
Counting Moles
The Body a Tree
A Great Need
There Could Be Holy Fallout
Trying to Wear Pants
This Sky
It Is Unanimous
Two Puddles Chatting
His Ballet Company

Thirteen: Reverence
That Tree We Planted
I Vote for You for God
A One-Story House
The Great Religions
What Happens to the Guest
I Want Both of Us
Like Passionate Lips
Cucumbers and Prayers

Fourteen: A Cushion for Your Head
A Cushion for Your Head
These Beautiful Love Games
The Bag Lady
The Ambience of Love
Tired of Speaking Sweetly
A Root in Each Act and Creature
Our Hearts Should Do This More
Turn Left a Thousand Feet from Here
Imagination Does Not Exist
Throw Me on a Scale
The Hatcheck Girl
Damn Thirsty

Fifteen: Two Giant Fat People
Two Giant Fat People
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