Solar Heating and Cooling Systems

Solar Heating and Cooling Systems
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Fundamentals, Experiments and Applications
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Ioan Sarbu
680 g
229x152x19 mm

Ioan Sarbu is a professor and head of the Department of Building Services Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania. He obtained a diploma in Civil engineering from the "TraianVuia” Polytechnic Institute of Timisoara in 1975 and a Ph.D. degree in Civil engineering from the Timisoara Technical University in 1993. His main research interests are related to refrigeration systems and heat pumps. He is also active in the field of solar energy conversion, water distribution systems and numerical simulations and optimizations in building services. He has published books, chapters, and numerous articles in indexed journals and proceedings of international conferences. He is also author of five patent certificates and of up to twenty computer programs.Calin Sebarchievici is a lecturer of the Building Services Engineering Department at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania. He obtained a diploma in Building services engineering and a Ph.D. degree in Civil engineering from the Polytechnic University of Timisoara in 2003 and 2013, respectively. His research is focused on heat pumps, refrigeration systems and solar energy conversion. He is co-author of some books, chapters, and journal and conference proceeding articles.

Solar Heating and Cooling Systems: Fundamentals, Experiments and Applications provides comprehensive coverage of this modern energy issue from both a scientific and technical level that is based on original research and the synthesis of consistent bibliographic material that meets the increasing need for modernization and greater energy efficiency to significantly reduce CO2 emissions.

Ioan Sarbu and Calin Sebarchievici present a comprehensive overview of all major solar energy technologies, along with the fundamentals, experiments, and applications of solar heating and cooling systems. Technical, economic, and energy saving aspects related to design, modeling, and operation of these systems are also explored.

This reference includes physical and mathematical concepts developed to make this publication a self-contained and up-to-date source of information for engineers, researchers, and professionals who are interested in the use of solar energy as an alternative energy source.

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Solar Radiation

Chapter 3. Solar Collectors

Chapter 4. Thermal Energy Storage

Chapter 5. Solar Water and Space-Heating Systems

Chapter 6. Heat Distribution Systems in Buildings

Chapter 7. Solar Thermal-Driven Cooling Systems

Chapter 8. Solar Electric Cooling Systems

Chapter 9. Solar-Assisted Heat Pumps

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