The Zebrafish: Cellular and Developmental Biology, Part B

The Zebrafish: Cellular and Developmental Biology, Part B
Volume 134
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811 g
245x200x17 mm

Professor of Biochemistry and Marine Biology at Northeastern University, promoted 1996. Joined Northeastern faculty in 1987. Previously a faculty member in Dept. of Biochemistry at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, 1983-1987.Principal Investigator in the U.S. Antarctic Program since 1984. Twelve field seasons "on the ice" since 1981. Research conducted at Palmer Station, Antarctica, and McMurdo Station, Antarctica.Research areas: Biochemical, cellular, and physiological adaptation to low and high temperatures. Structure and function of cytoplasmic microtubules and microtubule-dependent motors from cold-adapted Antarctic fishes. Regulation of tubulin and globin gene expression in zebrafish and Antarctic fishes. Role of microtubules in morphogenesis of the zebrafish embryo. Developmental hemapoiesis in zebrafish and Antarctic fishes. UV-induced DNA damage and repair in Antarctic marine organisms.
This volume of "Methods in Cell Biology, " the second of two parts on the subject of zebrafish, provides a comprehensive compendium of laboratory protocols and reviews covering all the new methods developed since 1999. * Details state-of-the art zebrafish protocols, delineating critical steps in the procedures as well as potential pitfalls* Illustrates many techiques in full-color* Summarizes the Zebrafish Genome Project
Live imaging of the cytoskeleton in early cleavage stage zebrafish embryos.Martin Wühr, Nikolaus D. Obholzer, Sean G. Megason, H. William Detrich, III, Timothy J. Mitchison

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