Advances in Clinical Chemistry

Advances in Clinical Chemistry
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Volume 54
Besorgungstitel - wird vorgemerkt | Lieferzeit: Besorgungstitel - Lieferbar innerhalb von 10 Werktagen I

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Gregory S Makowski
454 g
238x159x20 mm

Dr Gregory S Makowski is a board-certified clinical chemist and fellow of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry. Following receipt of his PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Connecticut Storrs, he pursued post-doctoral studies at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in Farmington that culminated in joint appointments in the School of Medicine and the Department of Laboratory Medicine at John Dempsey Hospital. He has numerous clinical and basic science publications and serves on various scientific and editorial boards. He is actively engaged in the training of Pathology residents and fellows in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Hartford Hospital. He currently serves as Vice President Clinical Laboratory Services Hartford HealthCare in Connecticut.

Volume 54 in the internationally acclaimed Advances in Clinical Chemistry contains chapters submitted from leading experts from academia and clinical laboratory science. Authors are from a diverse field of clinical chemistry disciplines and diagnostics, ranging from basic biochemical exploration to cutting-edge microarray technology.

  1. Heat Shock Proteins in Cardiovascular DiseaseMadrigal-Matute Julio, Martin-Ventura Jose Luis, Blanco-Colio Luis Miguel, Egido Jesus, Michel Jean-Baptiste and Olivier Meilhac
  2. Polyamines in cancer Edwin A. Paz, Jenaro Garcia-Huidobro, Natalia A. Ignatenko
  3. Acquired Hemophilia A Massimo Franchini, Giuseppe Lippi
  4. Hypobetalipoproteinemia. Genetics, biochemistry and clinical spectrumPatrizia Tarugi and Maurizio Averna
  5. Sm peptides in differentiation of autoimmune diseasesMichael Mahler
  6. Aromatase activity and bone lossLuigi Gennari, Daniela Merlotti and Ranuccio Nuti
  7. Biochemistry of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Giovanni Lombardi, Marie-Yvonne Akoume, Alessandra Colombini, Alain Moreau, and Giuseppe Banfi

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