Principles of Financial Engineering

Principles of Financial Engineering
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Robert Kosowski
1549 g
244x198x53 mm
Academic Press Advanced Finance

Kosowski, RobertRobert Kosowski is Associate Professor in the Finance Group of Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London, and Director of the Risk Management Lab and Centre for Hedge Fund Research. Robert is an associate member of the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance at Oxford University and a member of AIMA's research committee. His research interests include asset management, asset pricing, and financial econometrics with a focus on hedge and mutual funds, performance measurement, asset allocation, business cycles, and derivative trading strategies.

Robert's research has been featured in "The Financial Times" and "The Wall Street Journal" and was awarded the European Finance Association 2007 Best Paper Award, an INQUIRE UK 2008 best paper award, an INQUIRE Europe 2009/10 and 2012/13 best paper award, and the British Academy's mid-career fellowship (2011-2012). Robert's research has been published in top peer-reviewed finance journals such as "The Journal of Finance," "The Journal of Financial Economics" and the "Review of Financial Studies."

Prior to joining Imperial College London Robert was an Assistant Professor of Finance at INSEAD, where he taught in the MBA, Executive Education, and Ph.D. programs. Robert was a visiting scholar at the UCSD Economics Department (2000) and the International Monetary Fund (2008). At Imperial Robert teaches in the MSc Finance. He won teaching prizes at Imperial College Business School in 2009 and 2014.

Robert holds a BA (First Class Honours) and MA in Economics from Trinity College, Cambridge University, and a MSc in Economics and Ph.D. from the London School of Economics. He has consulted for private and public sector organizations and has worked for Goldman Sachs, the Boston Consulting Group, and Deutsche Bank. His policy related advisory work includes: Specialist Adviser to UK House of Lords (2009-2010) and Expert Technical Consultant (International Monetary Fund, USA, 2008).

Neftci, Salih N.Professor Neftci completed his Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota and was head of the FAME Certificate program in Switzerland. He taught at the Graduate School, City University of New York; ICMA Centre, University of Reading; and at the University of Lausanne. He was also a Visiting Professor in the Finance Department at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Known his books and articles, he was a regular columnist for CBN daily, the most influential financial newspaper in China.

Salih Neftci was already suffering from gliosarcoma, a malignant brain cancer, while writing the second edition. It published just 5 months before his death on April 15, 2009.

Principles of Financial Engineering, Third Edition, is a highly acclaimed text on the fast-paced and complex subject of financial engineering. This updated edition describes the "engineering" elements of financial engineering instead of the mathematics underlying it. It shows how to use financial tools to accomplish a goal rather than describing the tools themselves. It lays emphasis on the engineering aspects of derivatives (how to create them) rather than their pricing (how they act) in relation to other instruments, the financial markets, and financial market practices.

This volume explains ways to create financial tools and how the tools work together to achieve specific goals. Applications are illustrated using real-world examples. It presents three new chapters on financial engineering in topics ranging from commodity markets to financial engineering applications in hedge fund strategies, correlation swaps, structural models of default, capital structure arbitrage, contingent convertibles, and how to incorporate counterparty risk into derivatives pricing. Poised midway between intuition, actual events, and financial mathematics, this book can be used to solve problems in risk management, taxation, regulation, and above all, pricing. A solutions manual enhances the text by presenting additional cases and solutions to exercises.

This latest edition of Principles of Financial Engineering is ideal for financial engineers, quantitative analysts in banks and investment houses, and other financial industry professionals. It is also highly recommended to graduate students in financial engineering and financial mathematics programs.

  • The Third Edition presents three new chapters on financial engineering in commodity markets, financial engineering applications in hedge fund strategies, correlation swaps, structural models of default, capital structure arbitrage, contingent convertibles and how to incorporate counterparty risk into derivatives pricing, among other topics
  • Additions, clarifications, and illustrations throughout the volume show these instruments at work instead of explaining how they should act
  • The solutions manual enhances the text by presenting additional cases and solutions to exercises
1. Introduction
2. Institutional Aspects of Derivatives Markets - An Introduction to Some Concepts and Definitions
3. Cash Flow Engineering, Interest Rate Forwards and Futures
4. Introduction to Swap Engineering
5. Repo Market Strategies in Financial Engineering
6. Cash Flow Engineering and FX Contracts
7. Cash Flow Engineering and Alternative Classes (Commodities and Hedge Funds)
8. Dynamic Replication Methods and Synthetics
9. Mechanics of Options
10. Engineering Convexity Positions
11. Options Engineering with Applications
12. Pricing Tools in Financial Engineering
13. Some Applications of the Fundamental Theorem
14. Fixed-Income Engineering
15. Tools for Volatility Engineering, Volatility Swaps, and Volatility Trading
16. Correlation as an Asset Class and the Smile
17. Caps/Floors and Swaptions with an Application to Mortgages
18. Engineering of Equity Instruments: Pricing and Replication
19. Credit Markets: CDS Engineering
20. Essentials of Structured Product Engineering
21. Essentials of Credit Structured Product Engineering
22. Default Correlation Pricing and Trading
23. Principal Protection Techniques
24. Counter-Party Risk, Multiple Curves, CVA, DVA, FVA, OIS

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