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Detection, Monitoring, and Early-Warning Technologies
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Antony Joseph
754 g
234x155x28 mm

Dr Antony Joseph has over 40 years' experience in oceanography research on various aspects related to oceanographic sciences, ocean technologies, limnology, hydrology, meteorology, and surface meteorology technologies. He is currently retired but was Chief Scientist of the National Institute of Oceanography, India for 34 years where he conducted research in the areas of ocean currents, sea-level, and surface meteorological measurements. Dr Joseph has worked in numerous countries such as the UK, Norway, Portugal, France, Ghana, Singapore, Japan, South Africa, Russia, Australia, and USA on official capacity in connection with sea-level related research and operational activities. He has authored three Elsevier books: Tsunamis: Detection, Monitoring, and Early-Warning Technologies (2011); Measuring Ocean Currents: Tools, Technologies, and Data (2013); and Investigating Seafloors and Oceans: From Mud Volcanoes to Giant Squid (2016).

The devastating impacts of tsunamis have received increased focus since the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, the most destructive tsunami in over 400 years of recorded history. The tsunamis that occurred as a result of the earthquake in Japan in March 2011 further emphasized the need for detection, monitoring, and early-warning technologies. This professional reference is the first of its kind: it provides a globally inclusive review of the current state of tsunami detection technology and will be a much-needed resource for oceanographers and marine engineers working to upgrade and integrate their tsunami warning systems. It focuses on the two main tsunami warning systems (TWS): International and Regional. Featured are comparative assessments of detection, monitoring, and real-time reporting technologies. The challenges of detection through remote measuring stations are also addressed, as well as the historical and scientific aspects of tsunamis.

Chapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Tsunami Generation and Historical AspectsChapter 3: Tsunami DatabasesChapter 4: Geophysical Tsunami HydrodynamicsChapter 5: Impact of a Tsunami on Coastal and Island HabitatsChapter 6: The Protective Role of Coastal EcosystemsChapter 7: Earthquake Detection and Monitoring for Early Warnings of Seismogenic TsunamisChapter 8: Numerical Models for ForecastingChapter 9: The Role of IOC-UNESCO in Tsunami Early WarningsChapter 10: Earthquake Monitoring for Early Tsunami WarningsChapter 11: Open Ocean Tsunami DetectionChapter 12: Land-Based Measurements of Inundation to Confirm TsunamigenesisChapter 13: The Technology of End-to-End Communication: Sending the MessageChapter 14: IOC-UNESCO Tsunami Early Warning SystemsChapter 15: Technological Challenges In Detecting TsunamisChapter 16: Sea-Level Measurements From Coasts and IslandsChapter 17: Sea Level Measurements From Deep-Sea RegionsChapter 18: Telemetry of Sea-Level DataChapter 19: Evaluating and Assessing Tsunamis TechnologiesChapter 20: Extracting Tsunami Signals From Sea-Level RecordsChapter 21: ConclusionsReferencesBibliographyIndex

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