An Introduction to Trading in the Financial Markets, 4 Vols.

An Introduction to Trading in the Financial Markets, 4 Vols.
Market Basics; Trading, Markets, Instruments, and Processes; Technology - Systems, Data, and Networks; Global Markets, Risk, Compliance, and Regulation
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89,50 €*

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R. T. Williams
3062 g
235x191x86 mm

R. "Tee" Williams is an expert on market data operations and strategy.
How do financial markets operate on a daily basis? These four volumes introduce the structures, instruments, business functions, technology, regulations, and issues commonly found in financial markets. Placing each of these elements into context, Tee Williams describes what people do to make the markets run. His descriptions apply to all financial markets, and he includes country-specific features, stories, historical facts, glossaries, and brief technical explanations that reveal individual variations and nuances. Detailed visual cues reinforce the author's insights to guide readers through the material. This book will explain where brokers fit into front office, middle office, and back office operations.

Provides easy-to-understand descriptions of all major elements of financial markets
Heavily illustrated so readers can easily understand advanced materials
Filled with graphs and definitions that help readers learn quickly
Offers an integrated context based on the author's 30 years' experience
Book One: Market Basics Part1: Overview; Part 2: The Buy side; Part 3: The Sell side; Part 4: Supporting facilities Book Two: Technology, Networks and Data Part 1: Systems; Part 2: Data; Part 3: Networks;Part 4: Processes

Book Three: Trading, Instruments, and Processes Part 1: Investing and Trading; Part 2: Markets and Marketplaces; Part 3: Instruments; Part 4: Processes

Book Four: Global Markets, Regulation, and Compliance Part 1: Global Markets; Part 2: Risk; Part 3: Compliance Risk; Part 4: Regulation; Part 5: Playing the Game

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