You Belong To Me

You Belong To Me
Have you ever felt watched?
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11,50 €*

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Samantha Hayes
349 g
198x128x35 mm

Samantha Hayes grew up in the West Midlands, left school at sixteen, avoided university and took jobs ranging from being a private detective to barmaid to fruit picker and factory worker. She lived on a kibbutz, and spent time in Australia and the USA, before finally becoming a crime-writer.

Her writing career began when she won a short story competition in 2003. Her novels are family-based psychological thrillers, with the emphasis being on 'real life fiction'. She focuses on current issues, and when she writes, she sets out to maker her reader ask, 'What if this happened to me or my family?' With three children of her own, Samantha is well-versed to talk about how the aftershocks of crime impact upon families and communities.

To find out more, visit her website

A gripping psychological thriller from the bestselling author of Until You're Mine and Before You Die.

Fleeing the terrors of her former life, Isabel has left England, and at last is beginning to feel safe.

Then a letter shatters her world, and she returns home determined not to let fear rule her life any more.

But she's unable to shake off the feeling that someone who knows her better than she knows herself may be following her.

Watching. Waiting.

Ready to step back into her life and take control all over again.

The compelling new psychological suspense novel featuring DI Lorraine Fisher, from the author of Until You're Mine and Before You Die. Perfect for fans of S J Watson and Sophie Hannah.

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