Briscoe, J: Touched

Briscoe, J: Touched
Nicht lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Nicht lieferbar I

12,50 €*

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205x136x30 mm

Joanna Briscoe is the author of Mothers and Other Lovers, Skin, You and the highly acclaimed Sleep With Me which was published in eleven countries and adapted for ITV drama by Andrew Davies.She spent her very early years in 'the village of the damned', Letchmore Heath in Hertfordshire, the location for the celebrated 1960 film based on John Wyndham's novel The Midwich Cuckoos - and the inspiration, too, for this Hammer novella.
Rowena Crale and her family have moved from London. They now live in a small English village in a cottage which seems to be resisting all attempts at renovation. Walls ooze damp, stains come through layers of wallpaper, celings sag. And strange noises - voices - emanate from empty rooms.

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