Some Rain Must Fall

Some Rain Must Fall
My Struggle Book 5
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I

16,50 €*

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Karl Ove Knausgaard
491 g
195x128x38 mm

Karl Ove Knausgaard's My Struggle cycle has been heralded as a masterpiece all over the world. From A Death in the Family to The End, the novels move through childhood into adulthood and, together, form an enthralling portrait of human life. Knausgaard has been awarded the Norwegian Critics Prize for Literature, the Brage Prize and the Jerusalem Prize. His work, which also includes The Morning Star, Out of the World, A Time for Everything and the Seasons Quartet, is published in thirty-five languages.

An exhilarating story of ambition, joy and failure in early manhood from the international phenomenon, Karl Ove Knausgaard.

* Karl Ove Knausgaard's dazzling new novel, The Morning Star, is available to pre-order now *

As the youngest student to be admitted to Bergen's prestigious Writing Academy, Karl Ove arrives full of excitement and writerly aspirations. Soon though, he is stripped of his youthful illusions. His writing is revealed to be puerile and clichéd, and his social efforts are a dismal failure. He drowns his shame in drink and rock music.

Then, little by little, things begin to change. He falls in love, gives up writing and the beginnings of an adult life take shape. That is, until his self-destructive binges and the irresistible lure of the writer's struggle pull him back.

'Breathtaking... Knausgaard has a rare talent for making everyday life seem fascinating'
The Times

The fifth volume of Knausgaard's internationally bestselling My Struggle series

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